Scholarship Program:
All undergraduate students who apply for summer and fall courses for credit before the application deadline are automatically considered for scholarships awarded by the Western Canadian Universities Marine Sciences Society (WCUMSS). These scholarships are based on academic merit and the student’s statement of interest (if applicable).
Courses at BMSC are considered the same as courses taken from member universities so you may be eligible for financial assistance from your university. Contact the Financial Aid Officer at your institution for more information.

Navi Smith, Fall 2014 Alumnus, winner of the 2015 3M National Student Fellowship
Special Awards:
The River Timothy Sidley Memorial AwardAn academic award has been endowed by the family of River Timothy Sidley for a third or fourth year student who is attending the Bamfield Marine Science Centre Fall Program, and who has demonstrated academic excellence. The award is made on the recommendation of the Departments. The awards will be given to one student at each of the following member universities: who have been accepted to the Fall Semester at the Bamfield Marine Science Centre. Click here for a short video featuring the 2016 award recipient, Sarah Falconer | ![]() |
The Shaughn & Sharon Clements Biological Sciences Field Trip Award
This award was established to support students that would benefit most from participating in field trips or field schools related to their studies.
This award is only available to SFU students, majoring in Biological Sciences. Applications due mid February.
Dr. Andy Spencer BMSC summer course award
Available to Biology students that have completed the 2nd year of a BSC degree at VIU and have been accepted into a Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (BMSC) summer course. The student exemplifies excellence, curiosity, and enthusiasm for science. Students must submit a letter of acceptance into a BMSC course and detailed cover letter highlighting their career interests and why they are taking the summer course. Faculty Selected.
Dick and Leona Peter Student Bursary
![]() | Bursaries are awarded annually to one or more students registered in a degree program (graduate or undergraduate) who spends a minimum of one term at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. This Bursary will be used to pay for accommodation for the student on site at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre for up to one term. See here for more information. |
Wuitchik Family Marine Sciences Graduate Scholarship Click “In-Course” (Apply)
Value: $2,000| Number: Varies
One or more awards of $2,000 each are given to entering or continuing undergraduate students from underrepresented minorities in the Faculty of Science who have demonstrated an interest in marine sciences through course work, co-op or work experience. Preference will be given to students doing, or planning to do, marine sciences field work.
Students must submit a letter of application (max 300 words) explaining their passion for marine sciences and the opportunities this award would allow them to pursue.
If no applicants meet these criteria, the Award will be given to student(s) from underrepresented minorities in the Faculty of Science. A student may only receive this award once.
Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the University of Victoria Senate Committee on Awards upon recommendation of the Faculty of Science.
A graduate scholarship is also available: Wuitchik Family Marine Sciences Graduate Scholarship, which can be located in your graduate student portal.
F.W. Benton Memorial Bursary
This bursary is offered through UVIC to a student who completes the general bursary application. The student should have a special interest in salmonids or marine environmental studies studying or doing research at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre.
Graduate Student Financial Assistance:
Graduate students undertaking thesis research at BMSC are eligible for financial aid.