2022: BMSC celebrates 50 years of excellence
in research & education!
In a series of eight stories – ‘The Bamfield Stories’, learn about our history and the story of the remarkable collaboration among our member universities. Through the voices of our Alumni and Staff, discover our research and education successes, all about our facilities, life in Bamfield, and collaborative futures.
Discover how the Bamfield Marine Station grew from humble beginnings to the world class research and education facility that it is today in our Historical Timeline.
Follow the BMSC 50th Anniversary BioBlitz project, recording the biodiversity of Barkley Sound, with the goal to compare to the biodiversity surveys first conducted 50 years ago.
Learn about he story of the BMSC in the ‘BMSC 50th Presents’ slideshow. We share historical photographs from our archive, the first years as the Bamfield Marine Station, and describe our journey and strategy for the future.
Enjoy this delightful video of the history of the BMSC:
Celebrating BMSC’s 50th Anniversary!
Video produced by Maxwell Matchim
Keep in touch with the BMSC Community!
…or send us an email.
Life changing exploration and discovery in coastal and marine environments
Partnership: Partnership built on respectful communication and cooperation is our key catalyst for success.
We will pursue common goal through collaboration with all our partners – staff, instructors, researchers, students, university partners, First Nations, local community – that engender mutual respect and benefit.
Scholarship Grounded in Experience: Our students grow through active learning in the natural world.
Our ocean-side campus offers unparalleled access and support for scholars to discover and gather evidence based knowledge. Connecting researchers and learners at BMSC creates unique scholarship opportunity.
Stewardship: We respect how the traditional values of stewardship relate directly to sustainability of our environment. As a sentinel of the environment BMSC supports stewardship from evidence
based knowledge. We instill in our students and researchers a sense of respect and responsibility
for our environment.
Building on 50 years of success in coastal and marine research and education, we will:
- Develop and provide the research capacity and services that enable
innovative approaches to ocean exploration and discovery, and - Enhance our field based education programs with a research experience.
- Develop and provide the research capacity and services that enable
We will accomplish these goals and build momentum towards our vision by
establishing a sustainable financial base and utilizing the strengths of our unique
Bamfield/BMSC culture.