This paid Internship is a 10 month full-time term position that will support marine science education on the west coast of Canada.

This paid Internship is a 10 month full-time term position that will support marine science education on the west coast of Canada.
Over the next 10 months, our Interns will be supporting marine science education on the west coast.
See our Education Team in action, and learn about online virtual lab and field trip opportunities.
Thursday May 21, 2:30 pm PDT. It’s the next best thing to being underwater with our SCUBA team.
If you enjoyed our #BMSClive: Plankton show, you’re going to love Plankton Part II – the UNusual suspects!
Thursday May 14th at 2:30 pm PDT.
Did you miss our live stream? If so, you can still catch the show!
Join us for the upcoming episode: Interesting Invertebrates!
The BMSC crew is geared up for another season of Field Trips, and our first groups have already arrived!