Although the frilled dogwinkle (Nucella lamellosa) is a well-studied intertidal snail, questions have remained regarding the purpose of some variations in shell form found commonly in individuals of this species. The function of axial lamellae, an external shell structure giving some individuals of this species a frilled appearance, has remained a mystery. As a part…
Blog 2018
Invasive European green crabs in Barkley Sound demonstrate faster attack rates and handling times for prey
Appetite for destruction: Invasive European green crabs in Barkley Sound eat faster and grow bigger
Hook-induced injuries hamper suction feeding performance in marine shiner perch
Recreational fishing is popular throughout the world and has significant socioeconomic impacts. Catch-and-release fishing is beneficial for a number of reasons, but the immediate impact of hook removal is poorly understood. Melissa Thompson, a University of Alberta undergraduate student, during our 2017 Biology of Marine Fishes course (co-taught by Tim Higham and Sean Rogers), caught…
New research on the genetics of behaviour and biomechanics in fishes at the BMSC
Multiple body parts must work together to accomplish a task. For example, the coordination of visual and locomotor systems is critical for animals that hunt for food. For fishes, both swimming and feedings systems must work together to capture prey. How this process impacts survival, or how it differs depending on ecological conditions, is…
BMSC Marine Invertebrate Zoology student observations inspires range expansion publication
Typically found on the wave-exposed sandy beaches of California and Oregon, the Pacific sand crab, Emerita analoga, was first noticed by our Marine Invertebrate Zoology students on Keeha Beach in 2016, leading to a publication by instructors, Dr. Mar Wonham (Quest U) and Dr. Mike Hart (SFU).
Dr. Matthew Morris wins best thesis award in Biological Sciences at the University of Calgary
Dr. Matthew Morris, Dr. Sean Rogers’ recent PhD graduate, has won an award for best thesis in Biological Sciences at the University of Calgary. Congratulations Matthew!
Governor General’s Gold medal awarded to BMSC Alumna, Hilary Hamilton
Congratulations Hilary!
This ship is sailing! Thank you John for your 19 years of excellence!
Thank you John Richards, for your 19 years of excellence, overseeing marine operations at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre.
Seminar, Tuesday May 29: “Hidden Treasures: Marine biology in the art and poetry of Neruda’s Maramoto”.
Join us for a seminar by Dr. Mar Wonham, 5pm, ALL WELCOME!
Our Live Dive team is participating in Science Odyssey!
Science Odyssey – Canada’s largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics!