

Dr. Jason Fisher

University of Victoria
Research Methods for Coastal Wildlife (2023)

“I am an adjunct professor at the University of Victoria’s School of Environmental Studies, and Senior Research Scientist with InnoTech Alberta, the province’s Research & Innovation agency.  I’m a wildlife ecologist with an eye for the big picture: a field grandiosely called macroecology. I research terrestrial and coastal wildlife ecology in large, complex landscapes, to determine the ecological processes that help species persist, or send them into declines. I help apply this research to conservation challenges, such as managing landscape disturbance and enhancing species-at-risk recovery.

At BMSC I teach Research Methods for Coastal Wildlife, which is a beautiful blend of ecology, bird and mammal surveying, study design, and statistics. I love BMSC’s incredibly rare opportunities to learn a new skill in the class, and immediately put it into practice on the ocean – where else can anyone do this? We study everything from birds to whales in this course, but my favourite species is sea otters, which are still rare in Barkley Sound – for now.” Dr. Jason Fisher