These policies are provided to ensure your visit to BMSC is productive and safe.
Social conduct and Environmental Stewardship
Workplace Violence Policy
The following policies and guides are listed for reference, even though some materials may not be relevant for all bmsc visitors.
General Safety
Safety Manual for University Courses
As an Instructor or TA hired by BMSC, you, along with the University Programs Coordinator, are responsible for the safety of your students.
This document contains emergency procedures, general lab safety policies, how to deal with chemical waste and spills, and general field safety.
Laser Safety
Our Fluid Dynamics Laboratory houses one of Canada’s largest flumes.
The flume is equipped with a 2-D Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) system for flow visualization featuring a large view-field (0.6 m2) and vector capture rates of 10 x/s. The PIV system features La Vision software and has the ability to build serial sections of flow profiles.
Please read the attached safety policy and manual before using the PIV system.
Safety at Sea
Boating Policy
The purpose of this document is to establish basic policy governing the use of boats operated from and by users and staff of the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (BMSC) under WCUMSS’s auspices. The intent of this policy is to optimize safety and efficient use of BMSC facilities in all boat operations.
Scientific Diving Policy
Scientific divers using the BMSC facilities are required to observe BMSC regulations. It is the intent of this guide to maximize diver safety.
Dive Tender Guide
Snorkeling Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure snorkelling safety.
Information for Faculty & TA’s
Forms for this & that
Resource Guide to BMSC
This is your information manual for living, teaching, and conducting research at BMSC. Please take a few moments to read it as most questions you might have about living and working at our facility will be answered here.
Resource Guide for Faculty & TA's
A comprehensive guide to living and teaching at BMSC for Faculty and TA’s.
Sample First Week Schedule
The first couple of days of summer courses are busy with orientation activities; below is an sample schedule of first week activities.
Sample Course Schedule
BMSC is a multi-use facility, particularly busy during the summer months. A detailed course schedule allows BMSC staff, faculty and other departments to efficiently coordinate activities and resources. See attached for a suggested course schedule layout.
Grading Schedule
Please submit grades to the University Programs Office one week after the course end date.
Terrestrial Trip Plan
The Terrestrial Trip Plan form must be completed prior to conducting off campus terrestrial field work.
Discuss your trip plan with the DSO, University Programs Coordinator or Research Coordinator as appropriate, and post this form outside of the main Administration Office.
Meal Request Form
Does your class need an early breakfast, a bag lunch, or food prepared for a camping trip? Fill out the form below and submit to the Chef.
Please ensure you give Food Services plenty of notice (at least 1 week for camping trips) so they can best meet your needs.
Sample Camping Food List
Is your class camping out overnight? Food Services will pack up food. Here’s a list of things that have worked well in the past.
Class T-shirt Order Form
Use this form to place an order for your custom class t-shirts.
Any questions?
Contact the University Programs Office.
Phone: 250-728-3301 ext. 216