Guidelines for student projects & report submission
Report Style Guide
This document provides detailed instructions on the formating and structure of your student’s reports.
Report Template
The Student Report Template is provided for students so their reports meet the BMSC Student Report Style Guidelines. The template is designed to ensure that all formatting is consistent, and to save time and frustration.
Guidelines for writing scientific papers
“How to write backwards” – a beginners guide on how to write scientific papers, available through JSTOR, which is available through the on-line catalogues of each of our member universities.
William E. Magnusson 1996. How to Write Backwards. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 77:88–88
License for Works
By voluntarily completing the Licence for Works document, students allow BMSC to make their Work (report, poster, video etc.) available upon request to other researchers and students. Student works will not be available on BMSC’s online library catalogue.
Signing a Licence for Works does not preclude students from publishing their Work. If students anticipate publishing in Nature or Science, BMSC will embargo the Work until after it is published.
Water velocity test using lifesavers
A test to compare the relative exposure of different sites, by measuring how water velocity degrades submerged LifeSaver candies