These policies are provided to ensure your visit to BMSC is productive and safe.
Information for Researchers
Field Research
Research User Agreement Form
The Research User Agreement form must be signed and returned to the Research Coordinator prior to your arrival at BMSC.
Resource Guide to BMSC
This is your information manual for living and conducting research at BMSC. Please take a few moments to read it as most questions you might have about living and working at our facility will be answered here.
The Off-Campus Travel Risk Management Policy requires that trip organizers plan commensurate with the risk of an activity and ensure that participants are knowledgeable about the risks of participation. To support this planning, a Field Safety Plan document has been developed to identify key planning considerations and to identify and manage risks associated with the program.
The Terrestrial Trip Plan form must be completed prior to conducting off campus terrestrial field work.
Discuss your trip plan with the DSO, University Programs Coordinator or Research Coordinator as appropriate, and post this form outside of the main Administration Office.
General Safety
Safety at sea
Social Conduct & Environmental Stewardship
Radiation Safety
The radiation safety manual has been developed with the mandate, principles and safety practices of the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre in mind and has the endorsement of the member universities:
- UBC Committee on Nuclear substances and radiation devices and Radiation Hazards
- University of Victoria’s Radiation Health and Safety in Research Committee
- Simon Fraser University’s Committee on Radiation Safety
- BMSC’s Health and Safety Committee.
Hazardous Chemicals
Hazardous chemical transport and safe-use guide
Laser Safety
Our Fluid Dynamics Laboratory houses one of Canada’s largest flumes.
The flume is equipped with a 2-D Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) system for flow visualization featuring a large view-field (0.6 m2) and vector capture rates of 10 x/s. The PIV system features La Vision software and has the ability to build serial sections of flow profiles.
Please read the attached safety policy and manual before using the PIV system.
Boating Policy
The purpose of this document is to establish basic policy governing the use of boats operated from and by users and staff of the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (BMSC) under WCUMSS’s auspices. The intent of this policy is to optimize safety and efficient use of BMSC facilities in all boat operations.
Scientific Diving Policy
Scientific divers using the BMSC facilities are required to observe BMSC regulations. It is the intent of this guide to maximize diver safety.
Snorkeling Policy
Dive Tending Guide
Workplace Violence Policy
Any Questions?
Contact the Head of Research Services
phone: 250-728-3301 ext. 255