Major research facilities

BMSC has several major research installations unique to other marine laboratories.

BMSC’s equipment is listed in our Resource Database, a repository for the inventory of our research and education equipment, chemicals, science stores, and library and museum collections.

The ‘Cable Tank’

Our largest seawater aquarium is the “Cable tank”, an 9-meter diameter, 2.4-meter deep tank, having a volume of about 140,000 litres. The cable tank holds dogfish for our visiting researchers, and has been used in the past to study herring acoustics.

Laser Confocal Microscope

The Olympus FluoView 300 established in the microscopy suite of the RIX Centre for Ocean Discoveries is a point-scanning, point-detection, confocal laser scanning microscope designed for biology research applications. It provides excellent resolution, efficiency of excitation and intuitive user interface. The FluoView 300 configuration permits simultaneous collection in 3 detection channels.

Flume & Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) system

The BMSC Fluid Dynamics Lab houses one of Canada’s largest flumes, measuring 12 m long x 2 m wide x 1 m deep. It is available to industry and academia for research and commercial project work on a fee-for-service basis.

The flume is equipped with a 2-D Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) system for flow visualization featuring a large view-field (0.6 m2) and vector capture rates of 10 x/s. The PIV system features La Vision software and has the ability to build serial sections of flow profiles.