How to Apply

A note to new and returning Researchers:

Priority is given to investigators from our member universities, and is subject to availability of facilities, equipment and housing. The application process will vary depending on the nature of your research project.

  • Applications for research space and housing for the summer season (May – September) must be received by the Head of Research Services by February 1st of the same year. Applications will also be accepted after February 1st and will be considered based on availability.
  • Please apply for research spaces at the BMSC by the application deadline to ensure your application is dealt with in a timely manner and all your research needs can be met.
  • Plan Ahead. Allow up to 60 days for DFO Collection Permits, other applicable permits (see below) and Animal Use Protocol (AUP) review and approval. AUP submission deadlines are March 1, May 1, July 1, and September 1.

Applicants for research space should review the Research Policies that are adhered to at BMSC and determine if and how they will influence your research plans. There are specific policies relating to boat use, collecting organisms, SCUBA diving, animal care, exotic species restrictions, and biohazard and radiation safety.

*Please note – while we welcome researchers year-round, housing space and lab facilities can be limiting during the busy summer instructional period; we thus encourage researchers to consider visiting in the fall, winter, or spring.

The BMSC has several major research installations unique from other marine laboratories. Review our facilities and service fees to find out how we can accommodate your research.

Contact the Head of Research Services if you have any questions.

phone: 250-728-3301 ext. 255

Complete and submit the on-line Research Request Form.

*Applications for research space and housing for the summer research season (May 1 – Sept. 30) must be received by the Head of Research Services by February 1st of the same year.

There are multiple permits that you may require (land use, animal collection, transfer, etc.). Please visit: to prepare for your visit.

*Plan ahead. The waiting time for approval of permits can be as long as 60 days, it is necessary to apply well in advance of your arrival at BMSC.

These permit are issued by external institutions (not by BMSC). Your approved permits must be approved and to the Head of Research Services prior to your arrival at BMSC.

Permit cheat sheet – you will need the following permits if…

Parks Canada Permit – if you are working on, or collecting from, Parks Canada land.

Huu-ay-aht Investigation Permit – if you are working on, or collecting from, Huu-ay-aht treaty land.

DFO Scientific Collection Permit – if you are collecting, capturing, measuring, removing and/or touching any marine animals (inverts or verts, intertidal or subtidal) for research purposes.

DFO Introduction or Transfers (ITC) Permit (collection to holding)- if you are transferring any marine animals (inverts or verts, intertidal or subtidal) from their collection site to any other marine site OR to BMSC’s flow-through seawater system (even if collected right near BMSC).

DFO Introduction or Transfers (ITC) Permit – Return (return to collection site)- if you are transferring any marine animals (inverts or verts, intertidal or subtidal) from BMSC back to their collection site you will need a separate ITC Permit for that activity.

BC Freshwater and Terrestrial Collections – If you are collecting organisms from freshwater or terrestrial sources.

Vertebrate Research

If you are working with vertebrates (or cephalopods) , you will need an approved Animal Use Protocol (AUP). This can take up to 90 days for full approval so please submit it early! Visit our Animal Care page for animal use policies, procedures and forms.

**Plan ahead. Allow at least 60 days for Animal Use Protocol review and approval. AUP submission deadlines are March 1, May 1, July 1,  and Sept 1.

Invertebrate Research

If you are working with invertebrates, you will need to submit a short invert use form at least 30 days in advance of your arrival at BMSC. Please see the Animal Care page for access to that form.

Questions? Contact our Animal Care Coordinator:
phone: 250-728-3301 ext. 275

Applications for research space and housing for the summer season (May – September) must be received by the Head of Research Services by February 1st of the same year.