The Devonian Library supports education and research at BMSC.
Its primary focus is on marine biology, oceanography, fisheries, and other aquatic sciences, as well as the history, biodiversity and archaeology of Barkley Sound.
The library is a member of the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Library and Information Centers, IAMSLIC.
We are always open. Reference help is available during business hours (8:30 – 4:30, Mon – Fri) and after hours by appointment.
How to find things:

BMSC has an impressive publication record dating back to the 1970’s.
Our publications list includes peer reviewed articles, books, book chapters, and theses where BMSC contributed materially to its completion.
Search for BMSC publications by publication date, author, type of publication, and species here.
Use the BMSC online catalogue to search the BMSC Library’s collection from any computer. Certain student reports are available online in PDF format, while other material is available in-person at the library.
Use on-line services through your university library to search for journal articles and to access online journals.
Most reprints, journals and government publications held at BMSC are not on-line. If you can’t find a digital copy, check the BMSC catalogue – there is a good chance we have it in our collection.
We can provide guest access to the University of Victoria library: ask the Librarian or University Programs Coordinator to set you up.
Maps, charts and aerial photos are not catalogued.
Search the map cabinet in the library or ask the Librarian for help.
A guide to performing literature searches using academic journal database, with a marine biology focus. Covers where to look, what keywords to use, how to use search operators, and other related topics.
Subject guides are created by academic librarians to assist people with their research and are field-specific. The guides can describe where and how to look for information (journal databases, protocols, e-books, etc.), how to cite sources, and how to manage research data.
BMSC Student Report Style Guide
Provides instructions and examples for formatting student reports.
Purdue OWL
Provides instructions and examples for using MLA, APA, and Chicago style referencing.
Biodiversity Heritage Library – Contains open access digitized versions of legacy biological literature.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Library – An online collection of digital government publications relating to marine, freshwater, and nautical sciences. Previously known as WAVES.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Library – NOAA Library, Provides electronic access to NOAA publications.
Free Fish ID e-Books by Gregory C. Jensen
Free guides to identifying the common sculpins and flatfish of Washington and British Columbia.
Ocean Networks Canada: Live Camera Feeds
Ocean Networks Canada: Data Portal
Stanford Indexes to Marine Biology Literature: Key journal databases in the marine biology field have been listed and summarized here, to assist in deciding which database is most appropriate for a particular search.
Springer Protocol Database: A subscription-based database of biological laboratory protocols, including plant science protocols. (Requires access through a subscribing academic institution.)