How to Donate

Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre is a not-for-profit, registered Canadian charity.

Thanks to donors like you, BMSC is able to provide financial support to many students.

Your donations improve the teaching and learning environment, support innovative research, and reach out to the wider community. With your support of scholarship you are helping us enrich the experiences of our students, and through them, our community and our world.

How you can help

Vancouver Foundation

The Vancouver Foundation manages an endowment fund for BMSC that provides scholarships and fellowships to undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who take courses or conduct research at BMSC.

  • Connecting youth with high impact learning
  • Inspiring International Collaboration
  • Diversifying course offerings

To make a donation, click here.

Canada Helps

Please join us in developing a diverse community of learners and leaders at BMSC.
Donations will be used where the need is the greatest and help us provide unparalleled access to the natural and cultural sites where the major scientific questions and challenges of the 21rst century persist.
To make a donation, click here


Dr. Donald B. Rix

Dr. Donald B. Rix (1931 – 2009) philanthropy touched many in British Columbia including BMSC.

Dr. Rix’s donation of close to $1 million made possible the construction of the Rix Centre for Ocean Discoveries at BMSC. The Rix Centre for Ocean Discovery, built with his leadership, has become a focal point for the centre. This legacy will contribute to the training of marine scientists for generations.