BMSC Undergraduate Research Fellowship
The Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF) is competitive award to support a student’s return to BMSC for a short time during a subsequent semester (typically less than 4 weeks), to complete research started during a BMSC course. Individual students and teams of students are eligible. Teams of students (up to 4 students) wishing to apply should submit a single proposal.
Successful candidates will be provided with housing and access to the BMSC resources necessary to complete their proposed research. Applications will be considered at any time of year, but must be received at least 1 month prior to the date of the proposed research.
To apply, students must submit the following documentation via email to university@bamfieldmsc.com
- A letter of support from an instructor of the BMSC course in which the research was initiated describing the nature of supervision to be provided;
- a copy of the final paper or report describing the research conducted to date;
- a current resume or CV for each student;
- a 1-page proposal describing the proposed follow-up work to be conducted at BMSC including, a description of BMSC resources required, and clear evidence of how the follow-up work is of sufficient quality to be published in a peer-reviewed academic journal.
Undergraduate Research Fellowship Recipients:
2018: Olivia Walker & Mary Clinton
2019: Rebecca Waines & Chelsea Bennett
2022: Carter Burtlake
2023: Rebecca Krohman & Risa Ogushi – The effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on heartbeat and heart reversal in the ascidian tunicate Corella inflata
Emma Simonok & Colin Fitchner – The impact of calcification level of two articulated coralline algae on herbivory by the chiton Katharina tunicata
Reilly Perovich – Seasonal and spatial shifts in endosymbiont counts and densities in the anemones Anthopleura elegantissima and Anthopleura xanthogrammica