Early-career BMSC startup award
Are you an early-career faculty member interested in doing research at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre?
The BMSC ECR award supports new faculty embarking on research programs that are consistent with BMSCs values and strategic plan. Grants average $2000 of in-kind contributions to cover the cost of research-related expenses for you and your students while at BMSC (e.g. housing, boat costs, and research services). Researchers are only eligible to receive the award once.
To apply, please email your CV (2 pages), budget, and a one page description of your research program and how it aligns with our strategic plan to Dr. Sean Rogers, Director.
Applications are due April 20.
Support for graduate students
If you are a graduate student wishing to conduct research out of BMSC, you may be eligible for support through a variety of scholarships, bursaries, and teaching assistantships.
Scholarships and Bursaries:
Students wishing to reside at BMSC to conduct research during the Fall or Winter semesters are eligible to apply for the $6000 WCUMSS Scholarship to supplement their salary while they are away from their home campus. This competitive award is intended to provide students the opportunity to take full advantage of the year-round research potential offered by BMSC while being free from other teaching responsibilities while they hold this award. Smaller $1500 WCUMSS Scholarships to help support graduate students doing research at BMSC at any time of year are also available, with preference give to students conducting research between September-April.
See here for details on WCUMSS awards as well as information on additional bursaries and scholarships administered by organizations outside BMSC, including the Dick and Leona Peter Student Bursary.
Teaching Assistantships:
Graduate students can also apply for teaching assistantships during the Summer and Fall semesters. Member universities normally treat TAships at BMSC as they would any graduate teaching assistantships held on a main campus. This can help facilitate a graduate student’s research at BMSC in the Fall by allowing them to reside at BMSC during the entire Fall semester.
Detailed information on available TA positions at BMSC can be found here.
Special Scholarship Opportunity:
To celebrate the year of oceans in 2025, and following up the workshop on Ocean Sciences of last March in Vancouver, the French Embassy in Canada offers two scholarships for PhD students or early-stage post-docs working in marine sciences (oceanography, marine ecology, coastal ecosystems, marine biodiversity, nexus climate-ocean, impact of climate change on oceans, etc) to spend 6 months in France at a research institution in 2025. The scholarship includes:
• International flight (round trip from Canada to France in economy class)
• 1700 euros/month
• Health insurance (including liability insurance)
To apply, young researchers should send Dr. Géraldine DANTELLE, Science and Higher Education attachée, Consulate General of France in Vancouver (geraldine.dantelle@diplomatie.gouv.fr) the following info in one .pdf file (size < 3 MB), before Jan. 26th 2025:
- The name of the research institution in France they would like to go to and the name of the PI in France
- A short description of their project, highlighting the goal of the collaboration with the French team (1 page max.)
- A letter of invitation from the French PI
- A letter of support from their Canadian supervisor
- A short resume (1 page)
- The planned travel dates
Support for undergraduate students
Are you an undergraduate student looking for more real-world research experience? If so, please read on. BMSC supports research opportunities for undergraduates both formally and informally.
Summer Field Assistants:
Many BMSC researchers hire summer field assistants, either directly, or through the NSERC USRA program. We encourage you to explore opportunities for this field season by exploring the research interests of faculty listed under our Researcher profiles and contacting those with shared interests, and to apply to the NSERC USRA program if you are eligible. Note that there are occasionally NSERC USRA awards available for the Fall and Winter semesters; talk to your undergraduate advisor at your university about these opportunities.
Summer and Fall credit courses:
BMSC also offers a wide variety of courses that provide hands-on research skills through independent and group projects in summer courses, and through the opportunity to conduct a semester-long independent research project for students accepted into the Fall Program. These research experiences are often the highlight of a student’s time at BMSC, and some of these exciting new discoveries have even resulted in publications in peer-reviewed academic journals.
See here for more information on scholarships available for undergraduate courses.
Undergraduate Research Fellowship:
Students who have taken a course at BMSC and wish to return to finish up a promising research project can apply for an Undergraduate Research Fellowship. This competitive fellowship helps support a student’s return to BMSC for a short time during a subsequent semester (typically less than 4 weeks), to complete research started during a BMSC course.
See here for a full description of the Undergraduate Research Fellowship.