Graduate students conduct exciting and original research at BMSC.
The graduate student population at BMSC is composed of a diverse group of individuals from the five member universities, and from universities around the world. Our numbers are at the peak during the summer months, but there are generally graduate students on station year round.
See our Researcher profiles.
Graduate Student Awards, Scholarships & Teaching Assistantships
The deadline to apply for applicable scholarships is 4 pm June 1.
See details on these fellowships, awards and bursaries, along with how to apply for them, below.
WCUMSS Graduate Student Awards
WCUMSS Graduate Student Awards
The purpose of these awards is to encourage Ph.D. and M.Sc. candidates to take advantage of the research opportunities at BMSC, particularly in the period between September and April. Generally, per year, there will be one fellowship of $6000 and several awards of $1500. Only in exceptional circumstances will awards be considered for the May-August period.
In the case of the $6000 fellowship, the graduate student must reside at Bamfield for a four month period, between September and April, and may not teach or hold a major scholarship during this period. Graduate student supervisors are expected to assume responsibility for meeting the direct costs of the student’s research including fees for research space, supplies, technical assistance, travel costs etc. Only students that can meet the residency requirements will receive awards. Awards must be taken up in the year they are awarded. Scholarship monies will be paid out after the student takes up residence.
Bursaries & Scholarships
Special Bursaries and Scholarships
WCUMSS Scholarships
Several $1500 WCUMMS scholarships are awarded each year.
Dick and Leona Peter Student Bursary
Bursaries are awarded annually to one or more students registered in a degree program (graduate or undergraduate) who spends a minimum of one term at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. This Bursary will be used to pay for accommodation for the student on site at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre for up to one term. See here for more information
How to apply for awards, bursaries and scholarships
How to apply for graduate student awards, bursaries and scholarships
Download the fillable application form (.doc) and email as instructed.
The application deadline is June 1, 4pm.
Please submit your application electronically as a single *.PDF file to the Director. The file should be named SurnameBMSCScholarship.pdf
Applications from candidates who have previously received a scholarship must include a progress report.
BMSC Graduate Student Awards may held for two successive years for MSc candidates and up to three successive years for PhD candidates, both based on continuing satisfactory performance.
Before BMSC graduate student financial assistance awards are made, assurance on the following points will be sought from the student’s research supervisor:
- Proposed research at BMSC is acceptable to the supervisory committee
- Adequate personal support (primary post-graduate award) is available for living in Bamfield
- Adequate financial support will be available to meet the direct costs of thesis research at BMSC
- Regular supervisory arrangements will be made
Dr. Sean Rogers
Teaching Assistantships
Teaching Assistantships at BMSC
Suitable qualified graduate students are invited to contact the University Programs Office regarding the availability of teaching assistantships.
During the Summer Program, 3 and 6 week teaching assistantships are available between late April and the end of August each year.
During the Fall Program, one TA is required for each of the three 4 week structured courses (Ecological Adaptations of Seaweeds, Structure and Function in Animals, and Marine Population Ecology and Dynamics) and there is a long term TA positions for the Directed Studies course.
See the website for details
Click here for more information and application details for TAships at BMSC.