APPLY NOW for summer online credit courses!

Canada’s premier coastal research and training facility is offering unique online courses in coastal and marine sciences and other disciplines this summer. Discover opportunities to continue your degree!

Like our summer field courses, BMSC’s online summer courses will be a full-time commitment. We advise that you do not take other courses concurrently with our summer courses.

  • We will provide students with opportunities to experience the life-changing environment of Barkley Sound from home, with live-streaming and online content using a combination of real-time and asynchronous interactions with instructors and tutorial assistants. These courses aim to capture many of the learning outcomes typical of regular summer BMSC courses but would take place remotely, with a minimal BMSC fee, and scholarship opportunities.
  • Classes will focus on the unique biology and culture of the region around BMSC, and include opportunities to engage with real research questions, engage in community-based learning, and offer daily opportunities to engage with passionate and skilled faculty.
  • Each course carries credit equivalent to a one-semester university course.

HOW TO APPLY: Applications are due May 14, 2020, 11:00 AM PDT to be eligible for scholarships