

Dr. John Reynolds

Simon Fraser University
Marine Terrestrial Interactions, Terrestrial & Freshwater Conservation (2022 & 2024)
Telephone: 778-782-5636

I’m member of the Department of Biology at Simon Fraser University, where I hold a research chair in aquatic conservation.  My research also has a strong terrestrial component, including studies of birds, plants, and invertebrates on 100 Islands on the Central Coast, under the auspices of the Hakai Institute.  I have taught Terrestrial and Freshwater conservation at Bamfield off and on for the past 10 years.  This gives me a chance to combine my love/obsession with natural history with research to inform conservation management.  I draw on my experience advising various levels of government on conservation issues, including my current role as the Chair of COSEWIC – the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.  This is the group of experts that assesses the status of Canada’s plant and animal species, and make recommendations to the federal government for potential protection under the Species at Risk Act.