

Dr. Isabelle Côté

Simon Fraser University
Subtidal Science (2022 & 2024), Marine Behavioural Ecology
Telephone: 778-782-3705

I first came to BMSC in 1985, as the TA for the then 6-week-long Behavioural Ecology field course. I returned to teach that very same course 20 years later, and it literally felt like I was coming back home!  I now come back faithfully every summer and alternate between teaching Behavioural Ecology of Marine Organisms and Subtidal Science. My teaching and research blend almost seamlessly. At SFU, my research group and I address a range of conservation issues in tropical and temperate coastal marine ecosystems, including how multiple stressors interact to affect marine life and how to predict and manage marine invasions. We use a variety of approaches, usually complementing field-intensive (often subtidal) ecological and behavioural work with meta-analyses, lab experiments and modelling.

Dr. Isabelle Côté is a professor of Marine Ecology in the Department of Biological Sciences at Simon Fraser University.  Her interests in marine ecology and conservation are broad.   Her recent research focus has been on marine invasive species – measuring their impacts, predicting their spread and devising the best ways to control them.  Although much of her work is on tropical habitats, she is also involved in subtidal ecological research on the coast of British Columbia, with projects on invasive crabs and eelgrass resilience. She is passionate about science communication, particularly relating to ocean discovery, and is happiest 10 m below the surface.