Meet the BMSC Climate Action Series Team (listed alphabetically)

Luke Andersson
Lead Project Developer ~ 250-728-3301 ext. 216
Luke Andersson is a marine biologist interested in coastal ecology and conservation. His research has examined the benefits of river habitat complexity and the interconnection of marine, aquatic and terrestrial systems through cross-boundary nutrient subsidies (including studying predator-prey interactions between bears and salmon on the Central Coast of British Columbia). Luke is passionate about science communication and climate action that makes a real difference with a multitude of small changes.

Aneri Garg
Content Development and Communications ~ 250-728-3301 ext. 241
Aneri Garg is a marine ecologist, artist, and science communicator. Her background is in marine restoration ecology, community climate justice organizing, and science education with socially vulnerable communities. She is passionate about Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in science, conservation and applied ecology, and connecting with people. She is a first-generation settler born and raised in Treaty 1 and Treaty 6 territories. If you’re interested in being featured in this series, or have any questions please contact her directly.

George Owen
Production Designer and Technician
George Owen (BSc) is a designer, biologist, photographer and videographer, and 2017 Fall Program Alumni. George returned to the University of Alberta to complete a second degree in industrial design. He is passionate about sustainability, science literacy, and creating compelling and interesting visual elements that help convey information and stories in a engaging way.