Situated in the town of Bamfield, within the traditional territory of the Huu-ay-aht First Nations in Barkley Sound, and adjacent the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, BMSC offers unparalleled access to a wide array of environments – including unique coastal, marine and rainforest habitats and exceptional species diversity.
Perched on the outer west coast of Vancouver Island, BMSC provides access to a remarkable diversity of marine, terrestrial, freshwater and cultural sites of the North East Pacific basin. With 3000 sq m of modern laboratory space it can support research in almost any field of study for all member and non-member users.

BMSC was established in 1972 by the Western Canadian Universities Marine Sciences Society (WCUMSS) in order to provide a permanent base for marine and coastal-oriented field operations on the west coast of Canada. WCUMSS is a not-for-profit, registered Canadian charity that is responsible for the oversight and governance of the BMSC.
Life changing exploration and discovery in coastal and marine environments
Partnership: Partnership built on respectful communication and cooperation is our key catalyst for success.
We will pursue common goal through collaboration with all our partners – staff, instructors, researchers, students, university partners, First Nations, local community – that engender mutual respect and benefit.
Scholarship Grounded in Experience: Our students grow through active learning in the natural world.
Our ocean-side campus offers unparalleled access and support for scholars to discover and gather evidence based knowledge. Connecting researchers and learners at BMSC creates unique scholarship opportunity.
Stewardship: We respect how the traditional values of stewardship relate directly to sustainability of our environment. As a sentinel of the environment BMSC supports stewardship from evidence
based knowledge. We instill in our students and researchers a sense of respect and responsibility
for our environment.
Building on 50 years of success in coastal and marine research and education, we will:
- Develop and provide the research capacity and services that enable
innovative approaches to ocean exploration and discovery, and - Enhance our field based education programs with a research experience.
We will accomplish these goals and build momentum towards our vision by
establishing a sustainable financial base and utilizing the strengths of our unique
Bamfield/BMSC culture.